
Young girl child climbing on modern high dresser furniture, danger of dresser dipping over concept. Children home hazards.
Home Furnishings User
Important Safety Reminder with Tip-Over and the STURDY Act

The STURDY Act (Stop Tip-overs of Unstable, Risky Dressers on Youth) was passed by Congress and signed into law as ASTM F 20657-23, effective on September 2, 2023.  The Home Furnishings Association supports furniture safety and the STURDY regulations.  Unfortunately, consumers can still find non-compliant clothing storage units in secondary-market

Clothing Storage Unit with little girl
Home Furnishings User
Clothing Storage Unit Compliance – A Sturdy Act 2023 Update

Over the last 18 months, HFA has engaged with industry, congressional, consumer safety, parents, and regulatory stakeholders to advocate for a consensus-driven mandatory stability standard for clothing storage units (CSU). Clothing storage unit compliance efforts culminated in the passage of the STURDY Act (Stop Tip-overs of Unstable, Risky Dressers on

HFA Board Members and GRAT Team in Washington DC
Mark Schumacher
HFA DC Fly-In 2023: Crisis Management

On the surface, HFA DC Fly-In, our in-person advocacy visit scheduled in late May, would be simply going through the motions. Our primary issue of the last year, the tip-over controversy, is over, except for compliance. Then we unknowingly timed our visit to coincide with the debt ceiling crisis, which

Law books about consumer protection and a gavel on desk in the library. Concept of legal education.
Home Furnishings User
CPSC’s Pathway To Stronger Child Safety Standards

Finally, the CPSC has seen the pathway to stronger child safety standards supported by all stakeholders. Thanks to the combined efforts of manufacturers, through our colleagues at the American Home Furnishings Alliance, and retailers through HFA, the CPSC will finally focus on adhering to the STURDY Act (now law) and

Baby standing in front of dresser with one drawer opened.
Home Furnishings User
Significant Tip-Over Changes in 2023

Of all the advocacy discussions and debates we weighed in on in 2022 that impacted our industry, legislation surrounding furniture tip-over and clothing storage units for children topped the list.  Our industry has consistently pushed for a mandatory standard for clothing storage units for over a decade, with child safety

HFA Advocacy Efforts in 2022
Chris Andresen
Recap of HFA Advocacy Efforts in 2022

It has been a tumultuous year for home furnishings retailers and their consumers as we have navigated various macroeconomic issues. We have seen inflation with rising energy costs, supply chain disruptions, lingering COVID-19 impacts, and regulatory and legislative efforts on clothing storage unit tip-overs. In May of 2022, the Home

Inflation Reduction Act HFA GRAT_blog image
Home Furnishings User
Inflation Reduction Act – Will it live up to its title?

After months of stalled negotiations, congressional Democrats were able to move broad climate, clean energy, and health care legislation in the first two weeks of August. This bill, called the Inflation Reduction Act and signed into law by President Biden, is smaller than the original ‘Build Back Better’ proposal but

Legislative Activity GRAT blog_image
Chris Andresen
Legislative Activity and What it Means to Retailers

Nothing drives congressional activity like a deadline – in this case, the August recess and November midterm elections have created a unique environment spurring action on priority issues for both parties. Democrats have controlled the White House, House, and Senate since January 2021 but cannot advance large parts of their

Legislative Delays GRAT blog_image
Mark Schumacher
Sidelined: Legislative delays

Current events, some that have no direct relationship to the home furnishings industry, can sometimes disrupt our advocacy processes. We are experiencing this with the STURDY Act. We have been looking to wrap up this long-time legislative struggle relating to tip-over issues. It passed a key committee vote and awaits

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