
YouTube Advertising: How to Nail It. How to Scale It

2018 26 September
11:00 am Pacific / 2:00 pm Eastern

YouTube Advertising: How to Nail It. How to Scale It

Did you know there are more than 66,000 Google Searches every second in the world? That’s a whole lot. But do you have any idea how many YouTube Videos are watched every second? Even more. 74,000. Join us to learn how to localize and customize YouTube videos for your store.
What you will learn:
● Discover how video, in particular, YouTube has immersed itself in the retail world.
● Get tips for using video to drive home goods sales.
● Hear direct ways YouTube will impact how you conduct business this year.

Tim McLain has been with Netsertive, a marketing technology company, for 6 years. A frequent speaker at national events, Tim leads segment marketing initiatives that empower brands, publishers, buying groups, and SMBs to better compete in today’s click to brick marketplace by leveraging the power of online advertising.

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