July 2019

Think Like a Customer
John Graham
Think Like a Customer or Lose the Sale

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking like a customer. If you do, you’re done!” This warning has been pounded into the heads of salespeople, and it will follow them until their last day on the sales floor. Why is thinking like a customer dangerous? It’s the noxious notion that

Make It Personal
Rich Kizer and Georganne Bender
Make it personal

Looking for a low-cost, high-impact marketing strategy? Grab some paper and a pen. Years from now, someone will spend a gazillion dollars to study American life online and wonder who these people were who so desperately need to lose weight, perfect their relationships, look younger, make certain body parts larger

Image of Delivery people setting up furniture
Brian Straight
Delivering on the last mile

As furniture sales increase online, retailers are taking a second look at their delivery service Brian Grandolf (not his real name) frantically cleaned his new home office, making room for the desk he ordered online to arrive and complete the space. Having already started his new job, and currently working

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