Bev Fritts expects the unexpected from her son Rob and daughter-in-law Molly.
“They’re just clever. They’re always surprising me with something,” the owner of Cricket’s Home Furnishings in Dimondale, Mich., said.
But this time? “I was just shocked.”
Rob and Molly and their children live in Maryland. Rob called his mother Feb. 29 and told her to watch ESPN’s “College GameDay,” which was featuring the Michigan State at University of Maryland men’s basketball game.
Michigan State is in Lansing, just a few miles from Dimondale.
Granddaughter hoists a picture of Bev
When Bev turned on the television, she saw Molly holding a sign that said “Cricket’s Sparty,” while granddaughter Maddy, outfitted in Michigan

State green and white, hoisted a giant photo – of Bev!
“Cricket’s could use more business,” Bev said her son told her, explaining the publicity stunt.
The Fritts family also attended the game and were among the few Sparty (for Michigan State Spartans) fans there. But they helped the visitors race to a 78-66 upset over Top Ten-ranked Maryland.
Bev didn’t mind the attention. “As long as Cricket’s got noticed, who wouldn’t want that,” she said.
Lupe Izzo calls with congratulations
She even got a congratulatory call from a long-time customer – Lupe Izzo, wife of Michigan State coach Tom Izzo. The Izzos have bought a lot of furniture from Cricket’s over the years and use Cricket’s interior design services, Bev said. They also refer friends to Cricket’s.
Bev opened her business in Lansing 35 years ago as an arts and crafts shop called Country Friends. It occupied all of 500 square feet. Now, the Home Furnishings Association member’s 22,000-square-foot showroom features a Smith Brothers gallery and fine furniture for the rest of the home. She offers flooring, lighting, kitchen and bath, window treatments and design services.
And she’s always waiting for the next surprise from her son and daughter-in-law.