We help make you a Winner


You want to succeed. Guess what? The HFA can help!

The Home Furnishings Association is an organization for business owners and companies who want more than what they can create or find on their own. From a membership perspective, because retailers want more, I’ve always thought association members were winners.

In this issue, we’re recognizing some of the winners of HFA’s annual awards. A winner is someone who’s successful, especially through praiseworthy ability and hard work. This definition notes two things, ability and hard work, that most of you reading this page are already doing, which makes you a winner. So, congratulations!

It isn’t easy to give out awards in the home furnishings business. We’re a pretty modest group. It doesn’t feel right to be in the running for an award when you’re doing what you believe you should do. You’re more likely to want to stay under the radar and do the work and provide the goods and services your customers want from you. What many of you do is much more remarkable than you give yourself credit for doing.

You employ people in your community and thus impact the local economy and the families these people represent. You serve on boards, pay taxes, support service projects and organizations, and own and maintain your company’s property. You do that and more before we even mention the homes that are more comfortable and haven-like because of furnishings you help people obtain. You are difference makers.

So back to that idea of being modest, unassuming, and not taking credit for what you do at your job. You need to tell your story. You need to tell your story from your customer’s perspective. You have set hours and days of business for their convenience and for your employees. You offer services and payment options so your customers can have furnishings they need and want.

You offer good values and reliable sources of furnishings because the products on your showroom floor become supporting casts in a family’s account of their lives.

As an organization, the Home Furnishings Association has a story to tell and credit to take. We have been working on our “why”—why we do what we do. This concept of why was made popular by Simon Sinek’s “Golden Circle” TED Talk. Most of us can tell what we do. Many of us can describe how we do it, but the breakthrough comes through when you describe why you do what you do. Knowing your “why” will attract others who share your concept of why. It’s worth your time to watch Sinek’s talk. It was presented in the context of leadership and how great leaders succeed. However, winners, winning, leading, success—these ideas are intertwined. Visit his site, startwithwhy.com for even more information.

It is more than okay to take credit for what you do. It’s part of your declaring your “why.” When you let your customers know what you do and share with them the acclaim you received for doing it, you’ll find more people who will want to do business with you. People like doing business with people and companies who do good things. Your actions may even inspire others.

While HFA works on our ready-for-publication “why,” please know that we work to make a positive difference in the success of members. Whether that difference is because of money and time-saving services, whether it’s putting members in contact with other members or service providers, or whether it’s researching the answers to questions, HFA intends to help members be more successful because of their HFA membership. If that sounds like an organization you want to be a part of, let us know. Email us at membership@myhfa.org, or call 800.422.3778, extension 202, or go to myhfa.org and click the Membership tab.

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