Four steps to improve operational service inefficiencies

Four steps to improve operational service inefficiencies_HFA-Service Technologies

Finding ways to add to your bottom line can be a challenge for those who experience service and operational inefficiencies. Below are four simple best practices that may improve and streamline some of those challenges.

1. Employ sound repair services options
Instead of returning a product, customers are most likely looking for a solution to resolve their issue. Once a customer is confident that their supplier can deliver sound services, this will help create a satisfied customer who is most likely to return as repeat business. One sound service that is very beneficial in today’s world is a repair solution. Costs associated with repairing in-house/retailer is averaging $100+ versus taking a hit on your bottom line having to accept a product return.

2. Implement technology solutions – e.g., virtual technician solution
A tech solution or virtual technician allows for a faster response at a reduced cost while providing service. Virtual allows a qualified rep to inspect and evaluate the product to estimate what parts/services might be needed and if it’s in line with manufacturer defects. It can be done on the same day, depending on availability, and helps to reduce initial inspection costs, faster repair options, customer experience, and ultimately enables the solution to keep the product in-home and out of the return of goods flow.

3. Automate communications
The key to all success in service is communication. How well and how often can determine how successful a business will be. Employing sound processes to push notifications to customers when post-sales statuses occur provides customers with transparency with their product and services post-sale. For example, the average industry post-sales service “no-show” for repair technicians is as high as 10-30%. However, proper communication strategies can reduce that average to roughly 1.7%. Implementing a sound communication strategy with your customer and providing visibility along the way can assist in lowering no-show/costs to retailers and, most importantly, keep products with happy customers.

4. Collect data systematically

Whether you are a retailer, manufacturer, or administrator, you must have a system in place to manage, track, and use the data effectively. Well-planned and implemented processes make it easy to collect data on the reason for customer returns and other useful data such as common product defaults and lifespans. Data provides better insight into the product, service process, and customer expectations before and after the sale. A robust, cost-effective post-sale CRM can provide the details needed to effectively manage your post-sale customer experience and give the retailers bottom-line cost savings.

Providing additional service solution options to the customer will ensure that product is kept out of the return flow. Customers like being updated, informed and provided with solutions for their issues. The practices above can provide measurable success for retailers to improve operational efficiencies to increase their bottom line and better customer experiences.


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